An Investigation into the impact of COVID-19 on the Irish Health Care System pertaining to outpatients with chronic illnesses

Name of Study

An Investigation into the impact of COVID-19 on the Irish Health Care System pertaining to outpatients with chronic illnesses


Purpose of Study (300 words)

COVID-19 has significantly impacted outpatient care around the world. Due to risks to patients and staff, hospital appointments moved to telemedicine (appointments/consultations on the phone or video) to protect the vulnerable. The aim of this study is to develop an understanding of the satisfaction of persons who have Diabetes, Asthma and/or Arthritis and their telemedicine-based outpatient care during the pandemic. This research could play a role in highlighting if the introduction of telemedicine during the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted outpatients in the Republic of Ireland. Results from the study will be used to inform the ongoing development of health services to improve patient satisfaction and potentially impact health outcomes.



Type of Study (observational/exploratory etc)

Mixed Methods


Are you recruiting participants for this trial?



State geographical location of study (city/county/country) (single or multiple sites)

Republic of Ireland


Who can take part?

People in the Republic of Ireland aged 18 years of age and older with Diabetes, Arthritis and/or Asthma who attended telemedicine hospital appointments during the Covid-19 pandemic.


What will the participants be asked to do? (max 300 words)

Take a short online anonymous survey (via Qualtrics) with multiple choice and short answer questions about your experience of hospital appointments during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes and will launch on the 17/06/2022. All responses are annoymised and no personal identifying information will be gathered.

Survey link:


Recruitment Start Date



Recruitment Finish Date



Study Duration

10 Days


This study is funded by:

The Laidlaw Foundation


For further information contact:

Sinéad Crowley ( or Dr Mary Hughes (



085 2549747


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