Our Podiatry Services Include
- A Complete Diabetic Foot Screen and Assessment
- Foot and Nail Care Treatments and Advice
- Callus and Corn Removal
- Skin and Fungal Infections Treatments
- Specialised Footwear and Socks (subsidised prices)
- Shoe Fitting
- Communication with GP and referrals, where necessary
- Biomechanical Assessment for Orthotics
Treatments available for:
- Toenail Problems, such as Thickened Toenails, Fungal Nail Infections, or Ingrown Toenails
- Dry and Cracked Heels
- Foot, Ankle and Heel Pain
- Bunions, Verruca’s, Athletes Foot, Gout
- Arthritic Footcare
What to expect from your first appointment
You should aim to arrive 5-10 minutes before your first scheduled appointment and register at reception.
We are the only podiatry clinic in Ireland that allows up to 1 hour for your first appointment. Our Podiatrists prefer to have time to fully understand your needs, build your trust and provide you with a positive personal service.
During your appointment, our Podiatrist will undertake a range of assessments for you. To see our full infographic, click here
General and Dermatological assessment
- The Podiatrist will ask you about any problems you may be experiencing with your feet, and any underlying issues that you may have and have a detailed discussion about your medical history. It is important to be truthful with your information as it is vital to your potential treatment plan. Your details are 100% confidential.
- Will discuss your footwear and offer advice. This will include checking your shoes to ensure they are a proper fit. Shoes that don’t fit well or cause discomfort can lead to issues such as blisters and calluses. The Podiatrist will advise you on suitable specialised footwear and orthotics, if necessary.
- The Podiatrist will examine your skin for various skin problems, including dryness, cracking, calluses, blisters, and ulcers. These are very common problems.
- Examine between your toes for cracks and fungal infection and your toenails will be checked for thickened nails, ingrown toenails, and signs of fungal infection. The Podiatrist will trim your nails and treat callus and corns.
Neurologic assessments
- Nerve damage, known as neuropathy, and poor circulation and blood flow are very common but can be extremely serious.
- The Podiatrist will complete a variety of tests including
- Pinprick test. The Podiatrist will gently prick the bottom of your foot with a small pin to see if you can feel it.
- Monofilament test. The Podiatrist will use a soft nylon fiber to brush your feet to test your foot’s sensitivity to touch.
- Visual perception tests. The Podiatrist will place a vibrating tuning fork against your foot and toes to check if you can feel the sensation and assess your ankle reflexes.
Vascular and Musculoskeletal assessment
- The Podiatrist will check the blood circulation in your feet using a special device called a doppler. The device listens to your foot pulses and examines the shape and structure of your foot to identify any bone abnormalities in the feet and toes.
On completion, the Podiatrist will design an appropriate foot care plan and treatment option based on your individual needs. You will receive advice on your ‘at home’ care plan, nail-cutting techniques, appropriate footwear and much more. Follow-up appointments will also be discussed with you.
Great foot care is important for all of us but for people with diabetes, it is essential. Serious complications such as foot ulcers or amputations are avoidable. You can also avoid pain, distress, reduced fitness for everyday life, time lost at work and loss of earnings by simply putting a care plan in place. We are here to help so don’t delay book your appointment with a Diabetes Ireland Podiatrist today.
Appointment prices differ for members and non-members of Diabetes Ireland. Click here for our podiatry rates.
As well as discounted care centre visits, there are many more great benefits to becoming a member of Diabetes Ireland. Click here for more membership information.
If you are a person living with diabetes, you must have a foot assessment with a Podiatrist at least once a year.
Click here to book your first appointment now
Meet the Team
Semiat holds a BSc in Podiatry from The University of Edinburgh and has been a member of the Diabetes Ireland team since 2023. Semiat emphasises, “At Diabetes Ireland, we are dedicated to supporting individuals living with diabetes through education, advocacy, and expert care. As Ireland’s leading national charity for diabetes, we offer vital resources, expert advice, and tailored services to help people confidently manage their condition. Whether through our support helpline, diabetes care centres, or our active research efforts, we aim to improve lives and ensure that everyone living with diabetes has access to the best possible care and resources. Join us in our mission to create a brighter, healthier future for everyone affected by diabetes.”
Get in touch with
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Phone: 01 842 6273
Email: carecentre@diabetes.ie
Please note:
Tax-Relief – Non-medical cardholders may be able to claim tax relief on Podiatry care if required to attend by your GP/Medical Care Team