Correlators of Diabetes Distress in young adults living with type 1/ type 2 diabetes

Name of Study


Correlators of Diabetes Distress in young adults living with type 1/ type 2 diabetes.


Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Diabetes Distress (DD), social support (SS) and social anxiety within Irish young adults living with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes aged 18-25, using validated measures. The level of DD in young people aged 18-25 will be measured using the Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS).



The level of social anxiety (SA) and social support (SS) will be measured in relation to DD using the Social Support Survey (SSS) and the Social Anxiety Severity Disorder Measure (SMSDM).


Potential relationships between DD, SS and SA will be investigated using a correlation.
Differences in DD, SA, SS will be examined in relation to age, gender and between those living with Type 1/Type 2 diabetes.


This research has the potential to raise awareness for young adults living with type 1/type 2 diabetes and the DD experienced when emerging into adulthood. This contribution to research could in turn increase the support out there and contribute to previous research conducted on DD in those living with diabetes,



Type of Study (observational/exploratory etc.)


This is a Quantitative study.


Are you recruiting participants for this trial?




Geographical location of study 

Cork City.


Who can take part?

Anyone who is 18-25 years of age living with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.


What will the participants be asked to do?


A minimum of 50 participants are required for this research. It is aimed to obtain an equal ratio of males to females in order to compare and contrast results from each gender. Informed consent will be obtained from each participant in advance of participation in the research. Inclusion criteria is any person who is within the age gap of 18-25 living with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.


Participants will be asked to anonymously complete a 10-12 minute survey which covers the subjects of Diabetes distress, Social support and Social Anxiety. Participation is completely voluntary and answers are anonymously collected. Once the participants have completed the short survey they will not be contacted again.



Recruitment Start Date




Recruitment Finish Date




Study Duration

5 Months



This study is funded by:

University College Cork.


For further information contact:


Audrey Dunn Galvin (supervisor):




086 1966080

