Diabetes Ireland launches its inaugural Cork Bridges Walk

Diabetes Ireland has today launched its inaugural Cork Bridges Walk which will take place over the 19/20th September.


Diabetes Ireland is looking for participants to walk the circular route taking in the North and South channels of the beautiful River Lee and Cork’s historic centre and the revitalised dockland area. The walk is about 6 kilometres and is suitable for everyone to stroll at their leisure.


Participants will receive a brochure which will provide some historical facts about each bridge and its immediate surroundings. You can walk at your own pace and at a time that suits you and even stop and have a coffee at the many cafés along the way!


The aim of this event is twofold: to increase awareness of diabetes and raise funds for Cork based Diabetes Ireland Services. Pauline Lynch, Regional Development Officer with Diabetes Ireland said “we are launching this walk to simply encourage people to walk their city and to discover the history behind Cork City centre. In today’s society, we simply don’t take the time to look around and take in the many recent changes that have taken place in Cork. Our funding has also been hit hard and all funds raised from the event will be used solely to ensure that we can maintain our services through our Mary Street Care Centre. It is also a nice event for all the family to enjoy and provides an opportunity for participants to walk at their own pace and see how old and modern Cork bridges intertwine”.


The Diabetes Ireland Care Centre in Mary Street acts as a local resource centre for people seeking support and information on the many facets of diabetes, especially for people newly diagnosed who may be waiting on their first hospital appointment , for parents of a child living with Type 1 diabetes and for those living with the condition for years who may need some additional support to manage their condition more effectively.


The Care Centre also provides a podiatry (footcare), dietetic and counselling service, and local people with diabetes also attend their annual diabetic retinopathy eye screen at the centre.


With the health service experiencing significant capacity issues at present as it deals with the COVID 19 pandemic, our Care Centre is essential and needs to keep delivering these services for people with diabetes. Our numbers continue to grow and in 2019, we delivered a service to over 8,900 local people.


“Like many other charities, Diabetes Ireland is suffering financially as a result of COVID 19. Diabetes is a life-long condition; however, people can enjoy a long and healthy life by using these services regularly. Funds raised through this event will ensure we can continue to provide these services to the diabetes community in Cork. I am asking all members of our local diabetes community and their families and friends and the wider community to register for this event and enjoy our beautiful city.” added Pauline


To register for the Cork Bridges Walk, simply log on to www.diabetes.ie or call Charlotte or Marion on 021 4274229.