Diabetes Ireland warning people with diabetes to check their feet daily to detect problems early as diabetes related amputations continue to rise in 2016 to a 3 year high


63% of all lower limb amputations diabetes related

2,820 people with diabetes hospitalised for foot ulcer treatment or limb loss in 2016

Little or no access to HSE foot screening service     

People with diabetes have special reason to take good care of their feet. Long term high blood glucose levels may make feet susceptible to injury and infection. This is because the protective sensation in the toes or feet, the “pain alarm system” may slowly disappear with long term high blood glucose levels.


Latest data shows that 2,820 (up from 2,400 in 2015) people were hospitalised in 2016 as a result of diabetes related footcare complications, with 511 (up from 451 in 2015) of those requiring lower limb amputation surgery. More worryingly, around 1030 of these patients were aged under 65 years and of working age.


Lower limb amputation is one of the preventable potential complications of long term poorly controlled diabetes. However, due to continued under-resourcing of podiatry services, there is inadequate specialised early screening and thus the lack of early intervention in patients who require it.


Dr Ronan Canavan, Consultant Endocrinologist, St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin said “the HSE provided no extra podiatry posts in 2017 yet we are seeing year on year increases in the number of people requiring in hospital treatment for diabetes related foot complications and lower limb loss at huge cost to the exchequer.


Therefore, I want to encourage people with diabetes to take care of their feet with daily examination and be on the lookout for small cuts, changes in skin colour and temperature, red areas and swelling. They also have to check they have continuing sensation in their feet and be alert to signs such as prickly pain in the feet, numbness and peculiar sensations such as a feeling of walking on cotton or of wearing tight socks. This is important as without a pain alarm system, injuries and poor fitting shoes may go unnoticed. Where people do find problems with their feet they should immediately seek medical advice”.


The estimated in-patient hospital cost to treating 2,820 people with diabetes related foot complications in 2016 is at least €84m. Between them, these patients spent a total of 32,490 days in hospital for treatment.


Roisin Shortall TD said “it is frightening to see the number of diabetes patients requiring hospitalisation for foot ulceration treatment as research has shown that foot complications are almost completely preventable by regular screening of diabetes patients and by early intervention by podiatrists in those requiring urgent in-depth treatment”. I simply cannot understand why the Government would decide not to provide funding for more podiatry posts nationwide and I would urge them to make funding available for at least a further 20 posts in the upcoming budget”.


People with diabetes should have their feet examined at least annually by a healthcare professional who can examine their feet for sensation and abrasions. People can also access Diabetes Ireland Podiatry services in Cork and Dublin. Further information on how best to look after your feet is available free online at www.diabetes.ie/footcare




To see a “BY COUNTY” Breakdown of this data, visit Diabetes & Footcare Statistics