Easter tips for adults and children living with diabetes

EasterEaster is here and I am sure the chocolate filled supermarket shelves have not escaped your attention. Here are some tips on Easter Eggs for those living with diabetes.

Firstly, Easter only comes once a year and a little chocolate at this time will not affect your long-term blood glucose control.


For children with diabetes it is also important that they have a similar egg to their siblings and friends so that they do not feel that their diabetes excludes them from this. The key is to eat small amounts of the egg at a time and spread throughout the Easter period. Watch out for eggs that contain extra sweets and chocolate, go for an egg that has a toy or mug instead of extra sweets.


Adults with diabetes may prefer an alternative Easter present such as flowers, fruit, a book, or a hollow non-chocolate egg filled with small or individual presents. Again, small portions spread throughout the Easter period.

‘Diabetic’ chocolate

‘Diabetic’ Easter eggs are not recommended. They are expensive and unnecessary. Diabetic chocolate contains fructose, sorbitol or a similar sweetener which can have a laxative effect. Diabetic chocolate is also just as high in fat and calories as ordinary chocolate, and can still raise blood-glucose levels.

Thank you to Sinead Hanly, Dietitian and Regional Development Officer with Diabetes Ireland, for these guidelines.