Structured Education Programmes for Type 2 Diabetes

Purpose of Study :

You are being invited to take part in a study which is being carried out for the School of Psychology, National University of Ireland, Galway. The study is being carried out to investigate the factors and outcomes associated with attendance at structured education programmes in adults with Type 2 diabetes. Structured education programmes available to adults with Type 2 diabetes include the CODE, DESMOND and X-PERT programmes. The study will look at individual reasons and factors associated with attendance or non-attendance at structured education programmes. Lifestyle and psycho-social outcomes such as physical activity and diabetes self-care will also be examined. Individuals do not have to have attended a structured education programme, to participate. We are also interested in hearing from those who have not attended. The study aims to help in the future development and promotion of structured education programmes by identifying factors and outcomes associated with attendance/non-attendance at these programmes.

Type of Study: Observational (Quantitative)

Is this study actively recruiting? : Yes

Who can take part? Individuals who are Over 18 and have Type 2 Diabetes are invited to participate. Both individuals who have and who have not attended a structured education programme can take part.

What will participants be asked to do? 

Individuals who want to take part in the study are asked to fill out the following online questionnaire.

The questionnaire should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Study Closure date: 30/6/2017

Study duration: 3 months

Study funded by: Health Research Leader Award


For further information contact: Joanne Carlin, or Dr Jenny McSharry, (091) 495754 (Dr Jenny McSharry –