Film Screening in Galway “Bittersweet”
An Taibhdheard Theatre GalwayTuesday 14th of November is World Diabetes Day and in honour of this Galway City of Film and CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Centre for Research In Medical Devices, in NUI Galway are releasing a short promo for ‘Bittersweet –The Rise of Diabetes’, the upcoming Science on Screen documentary. Bittersweet (2017) | Trailer from... View Article
Managing my Type 2 effectively
Crowne Plaza Hotel Blanchardstown Town Centre, Dublin, IrelandHave you ever wanted to sit face to face with diabetes health care professionals outside of a hospital setting to learn more about your diabetes? Diabetes Ireland is delighted to offer you this opportunity. We have gathered professionals from a variety of fields in the area of Type 2 diabetes to answer YOUR questions. To... View Article
Type 1 Diabetes Teen Film Workshop
Diabetes Ireland and Helium Arts are hosting a filmmaking workshop for young people with diabetes aged 12-17 on Saturday 2nd December. This workshop is part of Diabetes Ireland’s programme of activities for young people and is free for all participants. To register for a place contact
Cork Parents Support Group Christmas Party
Date: 3rd Dec 2017 Venue: SMA Parish Hall, Wilton, Cork City Time: 2pm-5pm Contact: or 021 4274229 Charlotte
Sweetpea Kidz Club Christmas Party
Gresham Hotel Dublin 1This year our Sweetpea Christmas Party is BIGGER & BETTER THAN EVER! Santa and his elves will be in attendance with gifts for all the children. We will have games, entertainment, yummy festive food and treats for everyone. 3rd of December 2.30-4.30 pm Gresham Hotel, O'Connell Street Dublin Come along and meet other kidz with... View Article
Managing my Type 2 effectively
Crown Plaza Hotel, Northwood park, Santry Northwood Park, Santry Demesne, Dublin 9, IrelandFULLY BOOKED Have you ever wanted to sit face to face with diabetes health care professionals outside of a hospital setting to learn more about your diabetes? Diabetes Ireland is delighted to offer you this opportunity. We have gathered professionals from a variety of fields in the area of Type 2 diabetes to answer YOUR... View Article
BRAY- Ask the experts about Type 2
royal Hotel Bray“Keeping Up to Date with your Diabetes” Ask the Experts Have you ever wanted to sit face to face with local diabetes experts outside of a hospital setting to learn more about your diabetes? Diabetes Ireland is delighted to offer you this opportunity., We have gathered four experts from a variety of fields... View Article
DONEGAL Branch and Parent Support Group Christmas Get Together
Arena 7, Ramelton Road Letterkenny, Co DonegalThe Donegal branch and the Parent support group of Diabetes Ireland is hosting a “Christmas Get Together” for children/teenagers with diabetes from 2-18 years – see enclosed invitation for details. This is a great opportunity for:- Children/teenagers with diabetes to meet others with the same condition parents to meet other parents informally and perhaps enjoy... View Article
SLIGO/LEITRIM Parent Support Group Christmas Get Together
Funnybones Collooney, Sligo, Sligo, IrelandThe Sligo/Leitrim parent support group are having a get together to celebrate Christmas for children/teens with Type 1 Diabetes along with their siblings and parents. Lots of fun for the children and time to catch up for the parents. To book a place please contact the parent group on or contact Regina in the Western... View Article
GALWAY CITY – Review Diabetes Education Course (CODE)
Westside Community Resource Centre Seamus Quirke Road, GalwayWeek 4 of CODE programme in Galway City This course is now full. To register your interest in the next diabetes education course in Galway, call Regina on 071 914 6001 or register on line via this link
SLIGO/LEITRIM Parent Support Group New Year Get Together
Sligo on Ice The BID Red Barn, Stephens St car park, Sligo, Sligo, IrelandThe Sligo/Leitrim parent support group are having a get together to celebrate the New Year for children/teens with Type 1 Diabetes along with their siblings and parents. Lots of fun for the children and time to catch up for the parents. New Year Party: Date: Saturday 6th January @ 6pm Venue: Sligo on... View Article
CLARE Type 2 Diabetes Meeting
Temple Gate Hotel Ennis, Cl Clare, IrelandThe Clare Type 2 Diabetes Support Group will have their next meeting on Tuesday, January 16th, in The Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare at 8pm. These meetings are free to attend and open to anyone who wants to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes. If you would like more information about our support group call Grainne at 087 6548320... View Article
CORK- Type 2 Support Group
Living with Type 2 Diabetes can be difficult. Talking about it and sharing tips and experiences can help. Date: January 23rd 2018 Where: Nano Nagle Centre, Cork City Time 10.30am- 12 noon Facilitator: Aoife Nyhan, HSE Community Dietitian. If you have any queries, call 021 427 4229, Diabetes Ireland Cork Centre and speak to... View Article
DUBLIN- Type 2 Education Course (CODE)
An education course, developed by the Diabetes Ireland, is being run at our Care Centre in Northwood ,Santry. The aim of the course is to help you manage your diabetes and it will cover topics such as diabetes knowledge and management, nutrition and physical activity and self-monitoring of diabetes control. The course will be run... View Article
CORK- Type 2 Education Course (CODE)
Nano Nagle Place, CorkAn education course, developed by Diabetes Ireland, is being run by Diabetes Ireland, Cork Care Centre, 36 Mary Street, Cork City. The aim of the course is to help you manage your diabetes and it will cover topics such as diabetes knowledge and management, nutrition and physical activity and self monitoring of diabetes control. The... View Article
SLIGO Public meeting
Sligo Park Hotel Sligo town, Co SligoThe IKA Sligo in conjunction with Diabetes Ireland Sligo branch will hold an informative talk in the Sligo Park Hotel on Thurs January 25th @ 7 30 to 9 30 pm. Guest speakers will be: Mr James Linnane (Nephrologist), speaking on renal disease and its link to diabetes. Prof Cathy Mc Hugh (Diabetoligist) speaking on diabetes and its complications... View Article
Tipperary- Health & Wellbeing EXPO
Clonmel Park Hotel Clonmel, Co. TipperaryDiabetes Ireland will have a stand at the Health & Wellbeing EXPO in Clonmel Park Hotel on Sunday January 28th 10.00am-5.00pm so drop by for some information on how to prevent Prediabetes & Type 2 Diabetes. Tipp FM Health & Wellbeing Expo Schedule This is a FREE EVENT and there is no cover charge... View Article
DUBLIN- Type 2 Education Course (CODE)
An education course, developed by the Diabetes Ireland, is being run at our Care Centre in Northwood ,Santry. The aim of the course is to help you manage your diabetes and it will cover topics such as diabetes knowledge and management, nutrition and physical activity and self-monitoring of diabetes control. The course will be run... View Article
CORK- Type 2 Education Course (CODE)
Nano Nagle Place, CorkAn education course, developed by Diabetes Ireland, is being run by Diabetes Ireland, Cork Care Centre, 36 Mary Street, Cork City. The aim of the course is to help you manage your diabetes and it will cover topics such as diabetes knowledge and management, nutrition and physical activity and self monitoring of diabetes control. The... View Article