Traditional Porridge

PorridgepicPorridge is one of the best ways to start the day. It has a low Glycaemic Index and will keep you full for a lot longer than the same amount of carbohydrate provided by bread.
Oats are also a great source of soluble fibre which can help to protect the heart.

Carbohydrate: This recipe uses honey but you could you swap this for artificial sweetener. The important thing to remember is a drizzle of honey will not greatly affect your glucose reading whereas the total amount of carbohydrate will.
Remember you are looking at the total carbohydrate on the label as opposed to just the sugar content.

Ingredients – Serves 1 AdultPorridge

  • ½ cup (or ¼ of a mug) of dry porridge oats
  • 1 cup (or ½ mug) of low fat milk
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  • Put everything in a saucepan (non-stick if you have it) and gradually bring to the boil. Do stand beside it and watch it as it can easily boil over.
  • Once it has come to the boil turn it down and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes depending on how tender you like your oats 
  • Stir it occasionally. If it gets too thick (and how thick you like it is up to you) just add an extra drop of milk or water, but remember adding extra milk will add to the total carbohydrate content of the breakfast.
  • If you want to microwave the porridge, just follow the instructions on the pack

Source: safefood