Fresh Fruit Salad

FRUIT-SALAD240x185This is a great dessert especially if you’ve had a ‘heavy’ dinner and want something light and refreshing!
Remember all fruit fresh or dried contains natural sugar fructose.This will affect blood glucose levels so remember to count as part of carbohydrate intake.

Ingredients – Serves 4 Adults

  • 1 red or green apple
  • 2 tangerines or small oranges, peeled
  • 12 black or green grapes
  • 1 medium banana, peeled
  • 2 kiwi fruits, peeledFRUIT_SALAD_Table
  • 1 large thick slice of pineapple, fresh or canned
  • 1 glass of fresh unsweetened orange juice – you can also use grape, pineapple or apple juice


  • Wash the apple and then cut into quarters removing the core. Cut into chunks
  • Divide the tangerines or oranges into segments
  • Wash grapes and half each one
  • Cut banana and kiwi fruit into slices
  • Cut pineapple into chunks
  • Place all fruit in the bowl, add the orange juice and mix well

Source: safefood