Measuring the Impact of Diabetes Distress on Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes

Name of Study


Measuring the impact of diabetes distress on parents of children with type 1 diabetes.


Purpose of Study


This study aims to examine the impact of parenting a child with Type 1 diabetes on distress and quality of life from the perspective of the parent and to determine if there is a positive outcome or benefit in parenting a child with Type 1 diabetes. Coping with diabetes can be overwhelming and have a huge impact on everyday life; diabetes-related emotional distress is the feeling of being overwhelmed by the diabetes regimen of burdensome self-care demands. Studies have shown that diabetes distress can be a barrier to optimal diabetes management.


Parents are the main caregivers and play a crucial role in their child’s diabetes management and can often be the decision-makers and monitors of children, this can heighten the risk of caregiving distress in parents. Parental involvement is crucial to daily maintenance but what is questionable and conflicting is the degree of involvement, a failure to establish this balance in responsibility can lead to increased diabetes distress for both the child and the parent. Studies have also linked parental distress with higher children self-report of stress and depressive symptoms, reduced quality of life, and increased negative behaviour.

I am hoping that the findings may inform the type of interventions and support needed beyond the physical manifestation of diabetes as well as the role of positivism in perceptual change and growth. Support networks for families and children with Type 1 diabetes may also benefit from this research as it may provide a platform to understand the wide psychological and social implications of T1 diabetes care and management.




Type of Study (observational/exploratory etc.)


Study consists of 5 questionnaires


Are you recruiting participants for this trial?




Geographical location of study 




Who can take part?

Parents/caregivers of children with type 1 diabetes where the child is diagnosed at least one year.


What will the participants be asked to do?



When the participants access the link they will be presented with a description of the study, information on consent, a yes/no consent button and the five questionnaires They will measure: diabetes distress, satisfaction with insulin delivery system, the impact of COVID 19, quality of life and positive outcomes of illness. I will not request names just significant demographic factors (e.g. mother, father, age of child, gender, time since diagnosis, insulin delivery method)



Recruitment Start Date




Recruitment Finish Date




Study Duration

6 months



This study is funded by:



For further information contact:


Doreen McCarthy 0879003673








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