New Cork Care Centre Opens


1 June 2016

New Diabetes Ireland Care Centre Opens in Cork

Today, Diabetes Ireland, the National Charity supporting people with diabetes, announced the opening of a new Care Centre in Cork. Situated on Mary St, Cork City, the not-for-profit Care Centre is being opened to offer rapid and easy access to much needed services.

Ms Pauline Lynch, Regional Development Officer, Diabetes Ireland said “The Care Centre will initially provide a podiatry service and local people with diabetes may also be offered attendance for their annual diabetic retinopathy eye screen at the centre. Going forward, we also plan to introduce a dietitian and counselling service and a hearing test service. These services are not easily accessible in the public sector’’

Our podiatry (footcare) service provides clients with a full diabetic foot screen and assessment, foot and nail care treatment and education plus callus and corn removal where necessary. A footwear assessment is also carried out, with professional shoe fitting where necessary. A choice of diabetes friendly footwear (orthotics, shoes & socks) is available at extremely competitive prices. “Our orthotics and footwear services are only recommended if warranted, after a full podiatry assessment” added Pauline.

Latest HSE data (2014), show that nationally 440 people with diabetes had amputations and a further 1,697 people with diabetes were admitted to hospital with foot ulcers, often spending up to 2 weeks in hospital. Yet, research has shown that foot complications are almost completely preventable by regular screening of diabetes patients and by early intervention by podiatrists in those requiring urgent in-depth treatment.

“This service is intended for people with diabetes at low or moderate risk of developing foot complications, currently not accessible through public services for the majority of people. It is therefore an early detection and prevention service provided by high quality and experienced podiatrists whose aim is to keep people healthy through regular assessment” added Pauline.

The team at the centre will provide support and information on the many facets of diabetes, especially helpful for newly diagnosed people who are waiting on their first hospital appointment and for those living with the condition for years who may need some additional support to manage their condition more effectively.

Diabetes is a life-long condition, however, people can enjoy a long and healthy life by using these services regularly. Many complications associated with diabetes can be silent (i.e. the person has no symptoms), rendering irreparable damage to the eyes, feet, cardiovascular system and kidneys that reduce the quality of life and already weigh heavily on our hospital system.

“In 2013, Diabetes Ireland, frustrated with limited access to these services in the public sector, decided to open a Care Centre in Dublin. This has been hugely successful, and members from other parts of the country started asking for their own Care Centre. Diabetes Ireland plan to open 4 centres by 2020. The cost of opening a Care Centre is approximately €250,000 and with the support of our branch networks and kind donations, we are confident we will reach our goal” John Verling, Chairperson of the Charity’s Cork branch stated.

John finished by saying “there is great anticipation amongst the local community for the opening of the Care Centre, it is a very central location, can be reached by public transport and people don’t like hospitals. I see this as a great step forward for Diabetes Services in my community’.

For further information, call Joan in Communications (01) 842 8118

To book an appointment call (021) 427 4229. Email or visit


Editors Notes

The Diabetes Ireland Cork Care Centre is situated at Enterprise House, 36 Mary St, (off Georges Quay), Cork.

The subsidised fees for healthcare professional-led services are:

1st appointment Follow-up appointments


Dietitian €80* €35


Since 1967, Diabetes Ireland is the national charity dedicated to providing support, education and motivation to all people affected by diabetes. It also raises public awareness of diabetes and its symptoms and it funds Irish-based research into diabetes.

Diabetes Ireland offers a wealth of benefits to its community:

  • Subsidised rates at its Care Centre Services & Products
  • Immediate support and information through the our Helpline 1850 909 909
  • A comprehensive website with brochure downloads
  • Extensive hardcopy literature on diabetes, healthy eating and all diabetes related issues
  • Free or subsidised access to education courses, public meetings and specialist workshops
  • Activity & Sporting events for children with diabetes
  • Access to local support groups
  • Access to unique diabetes friendly insurance schemes


Prevalence Rates of Diabetes in Ireland

It is estimated that there are now 225,840 people with diabetes in Ireland which is expected to increase to 278,850 (7.5% of the population) by 2030.