How can pharmacists develop patient-pharmacist communication skills?

Name of the study: How can pharmacists develop patient-pharmacist communication skills?

Purpose of study:

I am taking this opportunity to ask if you would like to take part in some research for the School of Pharmacy, RCSI, about how pharmacists can learn to communicate with patients.

I am interested in learning what YOU think might work and about YOUR experiences communicating with pharmacists, in various settings. I hope to develop initial theories on how pharmacists learn to communicate with patients. I will then test these theories against the literature and ultimately plan to develop a training intervention for our students based on the results.

Type of study: Exploratory

Are you recruiting participants for this trail? Yes

Who can take part:
Anyone aged over 18, who is interested and is able to travel to RCSI for a focus group

What will participants be asked to do: Participants will be invited to take-part in a discussion which will be digitally recorded. All information that is collected will be anonymised. I plan to recruit 10 adults from various advocacy groups to talk to me about their experiences communicating with pharmacists and how these might be improved. One group of participants from various advocacy groups will come together for 1 hour- in RCSI, St Stephen’s Green on July 18th– to discuss this topic which will be used to help me understand how pharmacy students might learn to better communicate


Recruitment Start Date: 27/6/18

Recruitment Finish Date:11/7/18

Study Duration: One hour focus group on 18/7/18, entire analysis of study will take about 9 months

This study is funded by:RCSI Dublin


Contact Details : Aisling Kerr

Email:Aisling Kerr <>

Ethical Approval: Approval_REC1487b_26thMarch2018

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