Full/Part Time Podiatrist(s) required in Santry, Dublin with Diabetes Ireland.
Diabetes Ireland invites applications from suitably qualified podiatrists for its diabetes footcare service in Santry, Dublin.
As a Podiatrist, you will have the vision and drive to provide optimal diagnoses, treatment (or referral pathways) in order to improve outcomes for patients who are at risk of, or have developed foot complications. You will be responsible for the commencement, development and continued provision of a quality, responsive and effective podiatry service to both prevent deterioration in foot health.
The postholder will co-ordinate the day to day running of the service, manage a varied case load of patients, ensure adequate clinical records and statistical information are maintained, have instrument decontamination and sterilisation responsibilities and responsibility for recording and updating of notes following assessment and treatment of patients.
This post offers a good opportunity for a motivated podiatrist to further develop skills in diabetic footcare and management. The postholder will have the support of Ireland’s National Diabetes Charity and opportunities for continued professional development.
Candidates must, at the date of appointment to the post, possess:
- BSC in Podiatry or hold an equivalent qualification as validated by the Health Service Executive
- Have a minimum of two years satisfactory post qualification clinical experience
- Have the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to discharge the functions of the role.
Salary negotiable. Full Time (35 hours per week) or part time hours available. Shortlisting may be carried out on the basis of the information supplied in your CV.
Send completed CV to Vicky Doyle, Diabetes Ireland, 19 Northwood House, Northwood Business Campus, Santry, Dublin 9 or email: Vicky.Doyle@diabetes.ie. Closing date for applications: Thursday 8th September 2016.
Podiatrist Job Description
You will work as part of a multi-disciplinary team delivering a co-ordinated approach to client care.
As a Podiatrist, you will have the vision and drive to provide optimal diagnoses, treatment (or referral pathways) in order to improve outcomes for patients who are at risk of, or have developed foot complications.
You will be part of a team responsible for the commencement, development and continued provision of a quality, responsive and effective podiatry service to both prevent deterioration in foot health.
You will provide education and training to both patients/patient groups and other health care providers so that together, disease prevention can be optimised in the diabetes population.
You will be expected to actively participate in the co-ordination of the planning, development and marketing of this Podiatry service in consultation with the CEO with the aim of making the service a high quality and self-financing service.
Purpose of the Post
All people with diabetes at risk of developing foot complications should be reviewed on a yearly basis and managed in line with national guidelines.
As part of a multidisciplinary team in providing a quality, person centered, evidence based podiatry service to meet the needs of service users, you will be expected to undertake the following duties:
- To identify, treat and manage a clinical caseload of diabetes patients who are at risk of developing foot complications.
- To utilise effectively your clinical skills and skills in Biomechanics, gait analysis, insoles, orthotics, footwear prescription and off- loading practices.
- Liaise with GPs, Consultants and hospital personnel, patients, carers and others on matters relating to the management and treatment of patients with foot problems.
- To develop, and adhere to, local care pathways in accordance with nationally agreed clinical pathways for diabetic foot care and develop pathways for the management of at risk patients.
- To promote foot health and advise on self care.
- To promote and facilitate community healthcare staff to identify, manage, and treat appropriately at risk patients through guidance, training and support.
Principal Responsibilities and Duties
Professional / Clinical
You will:
- ensure professional standards are maintained in accordance with “The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (UK) Guidelines on Minimum Standards of Clinical Practice“ for Podiatry
- work as part of a team or independently to ensure effective day to day co-ordination and prioritisation of the podiatry service within the designated work / activity areas
- coordinate clinic appointments, organise time and ensure deadlines are met
- provide a comprehensive holistic patient assessment and a care process ensuring the optimum treatment for patients.
- interpret and analyse clinical and non clinical facts to form an accurate diagnosis and prognosis for all patients.
- monitor and evaluate outcomes of treatment for individual patients.
- be responsible for the recording and updating of notes following assessment and treatment of patients.
- participate in Health Promotion activities making use of available local and national tools and opportunities.
- work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and to liaise with other staff and disciplines, attend case conferences, and meetings as appropriate and ensure timely referral to other services as required.
- engage in team building and change management initiatives.
- develop and maintain good working relationships with team members, GPs, community nursing, hospital staff and others to ensure a seamless service for clients.
- communicate with staff , write reports and present data as required
- take responsibility for the podiatry practices of the Diabetes Ireland Care Centre.
- participate in community needs assessment and ongoing community involvement as required
- provide an excellent, high standard of service to patients.
Education and Training
- at all times demonstrate skilled Podiatry practice within the clinical situation.
- maintain and develop personal specialist skills in the clinical area through personal study, attending lectures, courses, in-house training, and to act as a resource for other members of staff and Diabetes Ireland initiatives.
- act as a mentor, providing advice and support, sharing knowledge to maintain professional standards and good work practice.
- discuss present performance and future development needs with the CEO.
- participate in continuous improvement and other quality initiatives.
- actively seek opportunities to improve client care within resources available
- work effectively using common computer software and engage in Information Technology development as they apply to client and service administration.
Health & Safety
- work in a safe manner with due care and attention to the safety of self and others
- develop and implement agreed policies, procedures and safe professional practice by adhering to relevant legislation, regulations and standards.
- be responsible for risk minimisation and management of own area of work and report any potential hazards of any aspect of the service to the CEO.
- document appropriately and report any near misses, hazards and accidents and bring them to the attention of the relevant person(s).
- participate in relevant planning activities to ensure that the podiatry service provided is adequate and developed according to patients needs in consultation and agreement with the CEO.
- contribute to the development and implementation of information sharing protocols, audit systems, referral pathways, individual care plans and shared care arrangements
- understand and adhere to the policies, procedures and protocols of the Service and participate in the development of such policies as appropriate
- carry out clinical/administrative audit to ensure standards are met, and co-operate with any audit processes as required.
- be responsible and accountable for the care and maintenance of equipment and stock control and other such duties that may be assigned, e.g. to be responsible and accountable for the economical use of resources of the service
- prepare, store and maintain such records / data as required.
- to be aware of the implications of the Freedom of Information legislation
- notify the CEO of annual leave in advance and sick leave, as soon as possible in accordance with policy
- support the marketing/promotion of Diabetes Ireland Care Centre services as required.
Skill Mix
You must demonstrate:
- the ability to critically analyse and apply clinical reasoning skills in the selection of appropriate assessment techniques including neurological, vascular, dermatological, biomechanical and other podiatric assessments in the context of diabetes podiatric practice.
- the knowledge and ability to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the vascular and neurological status of the lower limb including use of Doppler, Ankle Brachial Pressure Index calculation, and tests for sensory and motor dysfunction.
- experience in lower limb musculoskeletal assessment, gait analysis and evaluation of plantar pressures.
- knowledge of and experience in prescription and fitting of orthotic devices, casting techniques, and provision of off-loading devices.
- knowledge of tissue viability and experience in treating chronic diabetes foot ulceration and other care group conditions.
- a high standard of wound care including sharp debridement skills and knowledge of standard and advanced topical therapies .
- the ability to detect signs of infection, to determine level of infection, take wound swabs and make the necessary and appropriate referral/s.
- knowledge of dermatological conditions associated with diabetes.
- knowledge and experience of effective models of Podiatry assessments and treatments.
- clinical knowledge and understanding of quality issues relating to services.
- good knowledge and experience in nail surgery.
- experience of working or using specialist skills in the care of the Diabetic foot.
- knowledge of national issues/developments in Podiatry.
- involvement in health promotion and disease management.
- evidence of effective planning and organising skills including awareness of resource management and importance of value for money.
- the ability to work independently as well as part of a team.
- effective communication and interpersonal skills.
- a commitment to providing a quality service and is sympathetic and understanding of the needs and expectations of others.
- innovation, enthusiasm and self motivation in your approach to service delivery, health promotion and customer care.
- the ability to evaluate information, problem solve and make effective decisions.
- good working knowledge of common computer software packages.
- knowledge of the Acute Medicine Programme and HSE Primary Care Strategy and how they relate to the podiatry service.
Reporting Relationship
Administration, employment and outcomes reporting will be under the line management structure of Diabetes Ireland.
Professional reporting relationship for clinical governance and clinical supervision will be to Diabetes Ireland’s Podiatry Group and Quality & Safety Committee.