Are you interested in getting involved in Irish Research?
There are many diabetes-related research studies going on in Ireland and they regularly seek people with diabetes or members of their families to take part.
From 2017 we will be featuring a list of studies that have gained ethical approval and are taking place now in Ireland and have been submitted to Diabetes Ireland by the research team.
Irish Research Studies, click on the study title to check recruitment dates, duration etc.
Stigma and Daily Life with Diabetes
This research will help us better understand stigma associated with diabetes and its impact on
emotional wellbeing in those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. By exploring the associated factors and
the daily psychological and behavioural effects of diabetes stigma, we aim to gather comprehensive insights that can potentially improve the well-being of individuals living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This research is not-for-profit and is only
intended to ultimately help improve psychological well-being and behavioural outcomes in the population.
Type 1 Diabetes at School: Adolescents’ Experiences
While the topic of school-based experiences has arisen in previous diabetes research findings, there are no qualitative studies exclusively exploring the lived school experiences of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. The purpose of this study is to explore adolescents’ experience of managing diabetes at school, staff support, and peer support. The study aims to gain perspectives from adolescents attending secondary school in Ireland. Understanding the experiences and views of adolescents will aid in developing appropriate resources for schools to better support students physical, emotional and educational wellbeing.
Our research aims to comprehensively explore and understand the experiences and potential impact of stigmatising language used around diabetes on individuals living with the condition, their relationships, and overall well-being. The first objective of the study is to explore the significance that individuals with diabetes in Ireland attribute to the language used in discussions about the condition. Additionally, we aim to explore how the language surrounding diabetes, including its frequency of use, influences relationships, psychological well-being, and mental health. The quantitative data obtained from this research may aid in informing the Irish Diabetes ‘Language Matters’ movement and in developing more empathetic communication strategies.
Perception of diabetic foot ulcer care during the Covid 19 Pandemic
The aim of this study is to investigate the impact that COVID-19 had on the care of individuals who had active diabetic foot disease at the time of the COVID-19 health emergency and the lockdown measures in the Republic of Ireland that came into effect in March 2020. Through the survey, the care of people with active foot disease and their foot health/ outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic will be investigated, as well as their perceptions on the care they received, how they managed and if they have any specific recommendations for the health services in the event of further lockdowns or future pandemics. Further, through the survey we will investigate participants’ perceptions on transformation in models of care and service delivery, adoption of new technologies and new models of service innovations, including modalities such as of telehealth, that were adopted during the pandemic.
Study on Priority Setting Partnership for adults living with Type 1 Diabetes
The James Lind Alliance is a non-profit making initiative, established in 2004. It brings patients, carers, and clinicians together in priority-setting partnerships (PSPs). These PSPs identify and prioritise the evidence uncertainties, or ‘unanswered questions’, that they agree are the most important for research in their topic area. The aim of a PSP is to help ensure that those who fund health research are aware of what really matters to patients, carers, and clinicians. The aim of this PSP is to review the unanswered questions and research priorities in type 1 diabetes. It is important to say that this is not a trial or research, we are generating queries and not answering specific questions.
The Acceptability of an Online Nutrition Course for People with Type 2 Diabetes
We aim to assess the level of knowledge people with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) have about the role of nutrition in the management of T2D (Phase I of the study). A further aim for those who are interested in progressing to Phase II of the study is to assess whether it is acceptable and feasible for people with Type 2 Diabetes to participate in and learn from an online nutrition education and cooking class on the role of nutrition in the management of T2D. Our research is a feasibility study. The information we gathered will help us to understand whether people with T2D are receptive to an online Nutrition education course and what support might be required. The results of this research could potentially be used to inform future research. Questionnaires and personal data will be stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK Data Protection Act (2018). These data will be stored on the University of Surrey secure server. Documentation, including personal volunteer information, in the form of electronic data, will be stored on password-protected computers as recommended in the University of Surrey Research and Information Governance policies.
People with more than one chronic health condition (e.g., diabetes, chronic bronchitis, or hypertension) sometimes find it difficult to keep track of the different symptoms, medications, and tasks that are needed to manage their health and well-being. The aim of this study is to find out if a new technology system called ProACT can help them to do so and can help to improve the support they receive.
The ProACT technology system is designed to help people to measure symptoms and activities related to their health and well-being (e.g., their blood pressure levels, physical activity, and sleep), to view all this information in an app on a tablet device (e.g. an iPad) or a smartphone, to help them to manage aspects of their health and well-being (e.g. to create medication lists and activity goals), and to receive educational material about their health conditions. It also allows people to share their health and well-being information with people in their care networks (e.g. a family member or doctor).
Needs Assessment – Improving Health Screening for Persons with a Disability
The National Screening Service programme was established to reduce sight loss due to diabetic retinopathy and mortality due to cancer through early detection of disease. However, data show that there is a lack of uptake of screening services by disabled people in Ireland. We hope that this study’s findings will enhance our understanding of the support needs of disabled people related to accessing screening services. Ultimately, the study’s findings will inform methods to improve health screening for disabled people in Ireland. This study is funded by the National Screening Service.
HRB Summer Scholarship will explore the experiences of individuals living with diabetes
The project will be conducted as part of an HRB Summer Scholarship and will explore the experiences of individuals living with diabetes, including during Covid-19; for example, the challenges faced in terms of self-management of the condition in the face of disruption to health services. In particular, the project aims to document the impact of attending structured diabetes education such as Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) programmes on the lives of people with diabetes, to better understand the benefits of such programmes and the process of adopting the programme principles in everyday life, particularly throughout the pandemic. A community-based participatory approach, called photovoice, whereby participants take photographs of important and meaningful aspects of their lives, will be used to offer an insight into the reality of living with diabetes during the pandemic. The project outputs will serve as a resource to raise awareness about diabetes management during Covid-19 and to highlight the role of education programmes like DAFNE.
COVID-19 has significantly impacted outpatient care around the world. Due to risks to patients and staff, hospital appointments moved to telemedicine (appointments/consultations on the phone or video) to protect the vulnerable. The aim of this study is to develop an understanding of the satisfaction of persons who have Diabetes, Asthma and/or Arthritis and their telemedicine-based outpatient care during the pandemic. This research could play a role in highlighting if the introduction of telemedicine during the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted outpatients in the Republic of Ireland. Results from the study will be used to inform the ongoing development of health services to improve patient satisfaction and potentially impact health outcomes.
This study aims to gain a better understanding of the lived experience of managing multiple ongoing conditions. In particular we are interested in hearing about your experience of managing your medications and taking your medication as recommended by your doctor.
AFTER-GDM is exciting new HRB funded Irish research at University College Dublin (UCD) looking at type2 diabetes prevention, after pregnancy with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). More information on this, and other work through the chronic disease prevention-focused collaborative doctoral award can be found here .
After a pregnancy with GDM, a woman’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes is higher when compared with those who have never had GDM. To develop an approach to preventing future type 2 diabetes, we first need to understand the current picture. We plan to conduct two online surveys – firstly one for those with lived experience of GDM, and to follow, one for health professionals. This information will help inform the development of a type 2 diabetes prevention pathway.
Project MEDAL (Medical Devices A New Life)
The purpose of the study is to identify sustainable and convenient disposal solutions for continuous blood glucose monitors or insulin delivery devices. It is not a medical research study and does not involve a clinical trial. This is a consumer research study, which focuses on attitudes towards the disposal of electronic medical devices in Ireland. The study is conducted by a team of experienced University of Limerick researchers from the Kemmy Business School and the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. We would like to talk to users of continuous blood glucose sensors and/or insulin delivery pumps to find out what they do with them after application/use. Participants will be asked to complete a brief online survey and/or indicate whether they would be interested in being contacted for a follow-up interview to discuss these issues further.
Investigates the relationship between Health Locus of control and Life satisfaction while addressing the influence that Emotion regulation has on this relationship in people living with diabetes. Health Locus of Control is the belief that your health outcomes are controlled by your own actions (internal control) or by factors outside of your control (external). Emotion Regulation refers to how we deal with our emotions and life satisfaction is how we rate our overall life. This research will look at how your levels of internal or external health-based beliefs impact your life satisfaction levels while accounting for the influence of emotion regulation.
This study aims to examine the relationship between emotion regulation and diabetes self-management and eating behaviour in Type 2 Diabetes patients, and how sleep quality may affect this relationship.
This study explores the period of emerging adulthood (18-25 years) and living with and managing a long-term physical condition during this time. You are eligible if you are 18-25 and able to complete the online questionnaire yourself. *A long-term physical condition is a condition diagnosed by a medical professional, has lasted 6 months or more and requires some ongoing treatment (e.g. medication, GP visits, therapies). Examples of long-term physical conditions include diabetes, cardiovascular (e.g. congenital heart defect, hypertension), chronic respiratory (e.g. asthma), chronic neurological (e.g. multiple sclerosis, epilepsy), chronic pain (e.g. arthritis), other long-term conditions (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome) etc.
Researchers in the School of Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast, are undertaking an online study aimed at assessing what it is like to live with Type 2 diabetes. The study focuses on the psychological implications of having this condition and the factors that might influence how people cope.
Type 2 diabetes is a common medical condition characterised by a wide variety of symptoms. Considerable attention has been paid to the physical symptoms associated with Type 2 diabetes. Our understanding of what it is like to live with Type 2 diabetes, however, is very limited. Researchers in the School of Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast, are currently conducting research to determine what it is like to have Type 2 diabetes, focusing, in particular, on the psychological health implications of this condition. Participation will help us to understand more about what it is like to have Type 2 diabetes and be of potential value in the shaping of future health care and policy.
This study will explore the experience that individuals with Type 1 diabetes face while they are transitioning from paediatric to adult healthcare. Type 1 Diabetes has been increasing in prevalence globally, and in Ireland, over the past few years. Type 1 is usually diagnosed in adolescence or in young adults and can necessitate many changes to lifestyle that can lead to adverse bio-psycho-social impacts, known as diabetes distress. This distress could be exacerbated by the volatility of this developmental stage as well as by the paediatric-to-adult healthcare transitioning process. There is a paucity of research on the most important factors that contribute to diabetes distress, and the role healthcare may play in the ages of 14-22. Further, there has been no data collected from this population on how the healthcare system can be improved to support the transition in healthcare. This project will seek to provide evidence that will inform these gaps.
Guidelines for communicating cases and deaths related to COVID-19 including an international review
As part of a larger study, we are examining how the Irish public has used mass media (TV, Radio and Newspapers) and other forms of communication during COVID-19. We are interested in this because there has been daily coverage of COVID-19 cases and deaths. This constant media reporting is likely to impact social and psychological well-being and, if perceived as a ‘threat appeal’, may arouse defensive responses leading to disengagement with public health messages. We are keen to hear from groups who were/are seen as at particular risk from COVID-19.
This is a research study taking place locally for people with type 2 diabetes. The researchers are examining ways of supporting lifestyle and behaviour change for brain health that people with diabetes think are helpful.The objective is to evaluate a culturally tailored adaptation of The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER) protocol targeted for individuals with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) living in the border areas of Ireland.
The primary research question to be addressed is; what is the feasibility and acceptability of implementing a multicomponent intervention for the target population in a community setting in comparison to standard clinical care. The study protocol was informed by a phase 1 qualitative study (REC ref 19/NI/0011) involving the target population i.e. older people with Type 2 DM from the border areas of N Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and has been amended (version 2.0) in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The TIDY-UPS (Tips for Improving Disposal of Your Unused Pills and Potions Safely) Study
a study to understand how people living in Ireland manage medication waste. The information we collect will help us create some tips to share good ideas and improve medication waste management. There are no risks in participating and the data we collect is entirely anonymous.
The Effects of Exercise on Reducing Blood Pressure in Diabetes Patients With Hypertension
Although there is no cure for diabetes, physical activity has been recognized as one of the key elements in the prevention and management of this condition. Exercise is a proven treatment method to help people control their blood glucose levels and is a great way to help people manage their diabetes. Regular physical activity is also known to reduce high blood pressure, and can therefore significantly reduce a person’s risk of developing diabetic-related health complications. This study is being carried out to determine the health benefits associated with different types of exercise in people with diabetes. It is our aim to create individualized exercise programs to help diabetes patients manage their condition and live a greater quality of life.
Effect of Vestibular Nerve Stimulation in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
There is an ongoing and worsening problem with type 2 diabetes in much of the developing world. There is a growing realisation that exposure to diets rich in sugar and fat, particularly in childhood, can damage the part of the brain that determines how much fat there is in the body. This may play a role in developing metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and poor glycaemic control. Animal and human studies suggest that a non-invasive neurological process called Vestibular Nerve Stimulation (VeNS) pushes the body’s set point for fat downwards resulting in fat loss, possibly because this indicates to the brain a state of increased physical activity. VeNS may additionally have other direct, yet to be quantified, effects on diabetic outcomes such as glycaemic control. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of VeNS, together with a lifestyle modification program (hypocaloric diet) as a method of treating type 2 diabetes mellitus.
The Smartphone, Behaviour, and Mood Study
Health psychology researchers at UCD School of Psychology are recruiting participants for a study exploring psychological well-being in people with type 2 diabetes. Dr Sonya Deschênes is an Assistant Professor and Ms Amy Mc Inerney is an Ad Astra PhD Student.
Gender and Age differences in Diabetes Distress
This is a quantitative study that will examine the impact of the type of diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2), gender and age differences on scores of diabetes distress. This is for my Final Year Project at the University College of Cork.
Correlators of Diabetes Distress in young adults living with type 1/ type 2 diabetes
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Diabetes Distress (DD), social support (SS) and social anxiety among Irish young adults living with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes aged 18-25, using validated measures. The level of DD in young people aged 18-25 will be measured using the Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS).
The research project aims to interview individuals in middle to older adulthood (ages 45 to 65) on their experience of living with and coping with Type 2 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The design of this study specifically seeks to understand the lived experiences of this demographic concerning the concept of diabetes distress.
So’ME T1ME: Social Media and Psychological Wellbeing in Young People with Type 1 Diabetes
The aim of the project is to get a better understanding of young people with type 1 diabetes’ (T1D) experiences of social media and to explore the helpful and less helpful aspects of this online world. Ultimately, we want to gather information to support the safety of young people with T1D online and to build resilience to deal with hurtful or unpleasant social media content. This topic has never been more important, considering the upsurge in social media use due to COVID-19.
We are working with a Youth Advisory Team of young people living with T1D who are acting as co-researchers with us. Together, we plan to host a series of online focus groups with young people with T1D (aged 13-20) to explore the topic of social media and well-being. Every young person who participates will get a £15 Amazon voucher. We also hope to conduct focus groups with diabetes healthcare professionals. We plan to use creative and engaging activities to facilitate discussion of this complex and sensitive topic.
Household Medication Practices and Medication Safety of People who are “Cocooning” During the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Descriptive Qualitative Study
Those who are staying at home and reducing contact with other people during the Covid-19 pandemic are likely at greater risk of medication-related problems than the general population due to older age, medical vulnerability and changes in household mobility, well-being and support structures. This study aims to explore household medication practices by and for this population, identify practices that benefit or jeopardise medication safety and develop a patient-centred framework of medication practices, grounded in individual experiences.
Measuring the Impact of Diabetes Distress on Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes
This study aims to examine the impact of parenting a child with Type 1 diabetes on distress and quality of life from the perspective of the parent and to determine if there is a positive outcome or benefit in parenting a child with Type 1 diabetes. Coping with diabetes can be overwhelming and have a huge impact on everyday life; diabetes-related emotional distress is the feeling of being overwhelmed by the diabetes regimen of burdensome self-care demands. Studies have shown that diabetes distress can be a barrier to optimal diabetes management.
The Impact of Living with a Chronic-Illness on Young Adults in Ireland
This study aims to examine the way in which living with Diabetes, and other chronic illnesses, impacts young people in Ireland. We are interested in exploring how various treatments, diagnoses, personal coping and family factors might influence outcomes. The results of this research will contribute to a growing knowledge base on chronic illness, which we hope will be used to identify effective, relevant pathways for future intervention to improve quality of life and promote better well-being for young people living with chronic illness.
Atlantia Type II Diabetes Study
Atlantia Food Clinical Trials is carrying out a study that will test if the investigational product, a probiotic, can help improve markers of metabolic health (e.g. glucose, insulin and blood lipid levels) of type 2 diabetes adults by modulating the makeup of the gut microbiome.
Designing Personal Heating Wearable Devices for Limbs Coldness
This study aims to investigate the design of personal heating wearable devices that offer relief to people suffering from cold intolerance (for example, Diabetes Patients, Polio Survivors and Raynaud’s Phenomenon’s Sufferers), for whom body temperature control is a problem. Patients of these three diseases, because of their poor blood circulation combined with a range of other medical reasons, suffer from severe cold in their limbs.
This study aims to develop a healthy brain lifestyle programme for people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in the border areas of Ireland. The lifestyle programme to prevent cognitive/memory impairment and dementia will include exercise, diet, brain (cognitive) training and management of vascular risks, e.g. high blood pressure. The Initial part of the study involved conducting focus groups. The aims of these focus groups were to (i) explore the attitudes of people with T2DM towards changing their lifestyle to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia and, (ii) to determine what type of lifestyle programme would be acceptable to people with T2DM to encourage lifestyle change.
A qualitative study examining the experiences of phantom limb pain in amputees – This study will investigate people’s personal experiences of phantom limb pain which occurs in 50-80% of amputees.
Perceptions on the intrusiveness of remote digital monitoring for diabetes – This international online survey aims to identify the perceptions of adults living with diabetes, type 1 or 2, regarding digital monitoring. Specifically, we aim to identify which aspects of digital monitoring are considered intrusive in personal life and privacy, and which aspects are acceptable and reassuring.
The PACE study (Promoting Adolescents Communication and Engagement -It is important that we find ways of encouraging young people to be active in managing their diabetes so they are more prepared for adulthood and to prevent worsening of their health, and the associated costs to the healthcare services.
Clinical trial to reduce phantom limb pain using virtual reality augmented reality & serious gaming – Phantom limb pain, painful sensations that feel as if they originate from a missing limb, occurs after limb amputation for 50-80% of amputees and is associated with a number of negative outcomes, such as a decline in daily activities, sleep interference and a reduction in general quality of life.