Name of Study
So’ME T1ME: Social Media and Psychological Wellbeing in Young People with Type 1 Diabetes.
Purpose of Study
TThe aim of the project is to get a better understanding of young people with type 1 diabetes’ (T1D) experiences of social media and to explore the helpful and less helpful aspects of this online world. Ultimately, we want to gather information to support the safety of young people with T1D online and to build resilience to deal with hurtful or unpleasant social media content. This topic has never been more important, considering the upsurge in social media use due to COVID-19.
We are working with a Youth Advisory Team of young people living with T1D who are acting as co-researchers with us. Together, we plan to host a series of online focus groups with young people with T1D (aged 13-20) to explore the topic of social media and wellbeing. Every young person who participates will get a £15 Amazon voucher. We also hope to conduct focus groups with diabetes healthcare professionals .We plan to use creative and engaging activities to facilitate discussion of this complex and sensitive topic. |
Type of Study (observational/exploratory etc.)
Are you recruiting participants for this trial?
Geographical location of study
Who can take part?
What will the participants be asked to do?
Recruitment Start Date
Recruitment Finish Date
Study Duration
3 Months |
This study is funded by:
For further information contact:
N/A |
Dr Eimear Morrissey – |
Ethical Approval & Relevant Documents & Logo’s |
EPS-20_230-Application-Approved-29.10.2020.pdf |