Study on Type 2 diabetes using Diabetes Smart – an online education programme

Name of the study: Study on Type 2 diabetes using Diabetes Smart – an online education programme

Type of study: Observational

Purpose of study:
Diabetes Smart is an interactive online educational programme that will help you to understand what you can do to control your own diabetes. Each participant is given access to an easy to use, one-hour online programme which will help you to understand the changes that have occurred in your body and what you can do daily to help your body work more effectively and protect your future health.
The study will involve completing a questionnaire in a Hickeys  pharmacy which should take around 20-30 minutes, allowing your body mass index and waist circumference to be recorded and have your finger pricked for a small specimen of blood to measure your HbA1c and Cholesterol. You will then be recommended to complete the Diabetes Smart programme at home and will be invited back to repeat the tests in 3 months. The questionnaire will include questions about yourself, and how you think about and manage your diabetes.

Is this study actively recruiting?  Yes

State geographical location of study: Dublin

Who can take part:
Adults with Type 2 diabetes between 18-65 years who have access to a smart phone / laptop or computer with internet access.


What will participants be asked to do:
You must book into one of Hickeys participating pharmacies and be prepared to attend there on the designated date.


Study Recruitment start date:  14/06/2018

Study Recruitment finish  date: 20/07/2018

Study duration: 3 months


For further information contact:  Dr. Anna Clarke

Email:  Phone: 0872071637