The impact of emotion regulation on eating behaviour and self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes: Investigating the role of sleep quality as mediator

Name of Study

The impact of emotion regulation on eating behaviour and self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes: Investigating the role of sleep quality as mediator


Purpose of Study

I am currently undertaking a research project for the purpose of my masters degree under the supervision of Dr Sinéad Smyth. Our study aims to examine the relationship between emotion regulation and diabetes self-management and eating behaviour in T2D patients, and how sleep quality may affect this relationship.

Sleep quality is known to impact decision-making and daytime functioning. However, sleep problems are a common complaint in patients with type 2 diabetes. Despite this, sleep hygiene practices like regular bedtime and wake time are not incorporated into diabetes self-management. With the rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes, the focus of the Irish government has turned to enabling self-management in those with chronic illness, type 2 diabetes included.

We estimate that those categorised as ‘poor sleepers’ will exert less control over the regulation of their emotions, resulting in eating behaviours that are not in line with self-management. If this is supported, this will highlight the importance of screening for sleep problems in T2D patients. This could also provide a case for including sleep hygiene as part of a well-rounded disease management program for those living with T2D.
Finding out more about things that impact on self-management in T2D can help with the development of more effective ways of helping patients. It is hoped that our findings will add to this effort.



Type of Study




Are you recruiting participants for this trial?




State geographical location of study

Ireland (online)



Who can take part?

We are recruiting those over the age of 18 with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Participants may be of any gender, and must currently be living in Ireland.



What will the participants be asked to do?

Participants will gain access to the online survey through a link that will direct them to the platform Qualtrics. Before accessing the survey, participants will be given all information regarding the study within a Plain Language Statement, and after reading this information will be asked to give informed consent to the collection of their data.
Participants will then be asked demographic information, such as age and gender. They will also be asked questions in relation to sleep quality, emotion regulation, eating behaviour, and diabetes self-management. The survey should take between 25-30 minutes to complete.
At the beginning and end of the survey, participants will be given details in relation to various helplines and details to access HSE mental health information should they find any of the questions emotive. We will also encourage participants to contact their General Practitioner should they be struggling with managing their diabetes.



Recruitment Start Date




Recruitment Finish Date




Study Duration

The online survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.



This study is funded by:

Not funded



For further information contact:

Bróna Laverty










NAME – completed this form

Bróna Laverty



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