Type 1 Diabetes- Islet Transplantation Study

Name of Study : Nano Versus Micro Encapsulation for Islet Transplantation

Type of Study:

Purpose of Study:  This study is looking to improve islet transplantation treatment by encapsulating  the transplanted cells with a protective coating so that they are not attacked by the immune system.

Who can Take Part

What will participants be asked to do

Recruitment Dates

Study Duration


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Contact: This research is led by Professor  Peter Jones, Professor of Endocrine Biology, Kings College London.




Additional Information

In Type 1 diabetes, the cells that produce insulin (the beta cells ) are killed off by the immune system. Transplanting these cells back into a person with Type 1 is possible, but anyone receiving a transplant must take life-long immuno-suppressants to stop the cells being destroyed once more. Professor Jones is developing a thin membrane that would protect these cells from the immune system, so they can once again produce insulin in response to changing glucose levels.